Think in Miles & Shout-Out to Blueboard

Mike Hill
3 min readApr 30, 2015
Eye-catching image that vaguely relates to the blog post theme

Can’t get over how cliche blogging seems.

I don’t really see it as essential to have a blog, but all the famous venture capitalists and entrepreneurs seem to have one. So how can I be successful without one? By focusing on building my business instead of writing my thoughts on a random website with a cool name and a catchy, clever description. It is pretty cool, right? Be honest if you think I am cheesy and trying to be cool. I am.

Thinking in Miles just seems like the right way to look at a problem or a business: High level then dive deep. Its how every conversation, every problem and most scandalous activities happen (High level then dive deep). We often dive in deep too early, however, and that causes so many problems.

I can only share my own failures because I have no idea what needs to be confidential on a public blog.

I spent 3 months working on the brilliant idea ‘Google for your Network.’ Easily and Intelligently search through your network to find the best introductions, learn about industries, and take your career to the next level. Found out LinkedIn doesn’t allow anyone to pull out over 500 connections, let alone pulling out 2nd-degree connections for all your 1st-degree connections. Looking for a Co-Founder.

Could have asked any number of people about that, but I got into the thick of it, validating customers, finding use cases, building a Google-like algorithm for characterizing people. Such a cool challenge I still want to tackle. Also, I am not an engineer, so I threw the word algorithm in there as a sexy, buzz word, lets be honest.

Back to my point that I want to improve my method for exploring entrepreneurial ideas. So crazy how Eric Ries’s ideas can be applied everywhere. “Short Batch” exploring business ideas. Identify the biggest hurdles and tackle them first, so you don’t waste time.

I will always end my blog posts with Shout-outs to really cool start-ups I come across in my work at Upshift Partners.

These guys have a REALLY COOL Value Prop and I recommend anybody in HR, interested in empowering employees and building killer company cultures, to check them out!


Blueboard is an employee rewards and recognition company that allows employers to treat their employees to memorable, meaningful experiences. Creating a strong culture of happy and motivated employees is key to the long-term health and success of a company. Blueboard believes that the best way to do so is to promote a strong system of rewards and recognition.

Existing rewards structures at a lot of companies are simply boring. Others, like giving out gift cards, are ineffective at best. Increasing efficiency, reducing turnover, and fostering good vibes in the workplace are all valuable improvements to any company; do so by treating your employees to awesome, memorable experiences.

